今天來聊美國護理師 (RN) 的職位定義,美國每一州有每州 對於護理師這職位定義和職權, 基本上定義大致相同,但仍建議以當州的法規為主。 這裡以紐約教育部門(NYSED office of Professional )申請護理專業執照的網站內容來提供參考, 希望有助對美國護理師 (RN) 的職位定義更進一步的了解 !
美國護理師薪資在美國社會上算中上薪水,加上12小時的工時, 一個月13天工作,醫病比例是1:6 , 加上一位護理助手(PCA)幫忙,其實這樣的工作是非常吸引人到美國工作。 我念大學時也遇到轉行到護理的同學。
多年來,蠻多護理界的學妹,經朋友介紹,請教了我在美國工作的狀況。 其實職位定義 (Definition) 和 Job description (工作職場對RN 的要求) 搞清楚, 什麼是RN在工作上該做的,知道了自己的職位, 對和病人和自己的行為負責任,相信在國外當護理師,你一樣能做的稱職 💪
REGISTERED NURSE (RN) 的職位/角色定義 (NYSED office of Professional )
A registered professional nurse (RN) is a licensed health care professional who helps patients to achieve optimal health and prevent disease or injury. RNs provide compassionate care that is respectful of each patient's values and wishes. They coordinate and supervise care provided by other personnel, such as licensed practical nurses or home health aides. RNs provide health teaching to patients, families, other care providers and the public. They participate in health research and in making health care policies.
RNs may work independently, in collaboration with other health care personnel or under clinical supervision (i.e., from a physician or nurse practitioner). They work in a variety of settings, such as hospitals, nursing homes, community residences, mental health facilities, clinics, private practices, surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, work places, camps, schools and private homes.
In clinics, RNs take health histories and perform physical examinations to identify and address health problems and unmet patient care needs.
In nursing homes, RNs develop nursing care plans and manage the nursing care of residents.
In hospitals, RNs administer medications and provide medical care as prescribed by a physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, midwife or podiatrist.
In hospice programs, RNs help patients and their families cope with and manage serious illnesses by providing emotional support and health teaching.
RNs provide mental health counseling to patients and families to promote healthy behaviors.
At county health departments, schools, and health fairs, RNs perform health screenings to detect risk factors for (or early signs of) disease and then provide health teaching or make referrals, as appropriate.
RNs work closely with patients, families, caregivers and other health practitioners to provide well-coordinated, individualized care in home and community settings.
RNs make nursing assessments and nursing diagnoses, and also plan, implement and evaluate nursing care. RNs do not make medical diagnoses or prescribe medical treatments or drugs.
http://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/nurse/nursebroch.htm (New York State Education Department)
1 .Check meds, order, exam for Patient ? Does it match patient's condition? If Any Question regarding the order? Ask MD! and Admits meds–- (有專業知識,觀察,評估, 判斷, 反應,依照醫生醫囑給藥)
2. Time management , Care plan – (護理計劃)
3. Professional answer ability-phone call? Family? HIPPA(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)(專業知識, 溝通能力)
4. A leader to PCA (護理師助理) (sometime, hard to find PCA, need to report to the nurse manager (領導,溝通能力)
5. Team work- You are the key person for patient and you need to report patient's condition in the morning meeting.(溝通能力,協助醫生,和其他專業人員, 幫助病人復原 )
6. Support patient, family ( 病人和家屬心理和生理支持)
7. Educate Patient and family-Giving discharge instruction gradually while patient is in the hospital, teaching is not in the last day.( 衛教)
Collaboration with other Health Care Personnel提供和其他醫療專業的合作
Health teaching + Mental health counseling 提供健康和心理健康諮商
Nursing assessments and nursing diagnoses, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care. 護理評估診斷計畫執行和評估護理照護( 非醫療診斷和開藥)
Achieve optimal health 達到健康